郁总主旨沙湖原种场顶管发言Keynote Speech of President Yu
打开凤凰新闻,查看更多高清图片尊敬的白达宁大使、姚瑞副部长、万科馆的各位合作伙伴,以及亲爱的媒体朋友们,Honorable Ambass沙湖原种场顶管ador Alberto Bradanini, Vice Minister Yao Rui, all partners of Vanke Pavilion and media friends,
大家下午沙湖原种场顶管好!欢迎来到2015米兰世博会万科馆新闻发布会现场!今天, 大家汇聚一堂,共同见证万科馆成长的又一个重要时刻——万科馆建筑、展陈、平面设计方案发布暨合作伙伴计划签约仪式,我谨代表万科集团感谢大家的到来沙湖原种场顶管!
Good afternoon! Welcome to the Press Conference of EXPO Milan 2015 Vanke Pavilion! Today, we gather沙湖原种场顶管 here to witness another important moment of the growth of Vanke Pavilion, which is the Solution Rel沙湖原种场顶管easing of Architecture, Exhibition and Graphic Design and Signing Ceremony of Partnership Plan. I he沙湖原种场顶管reby thank you for your coming on behalf of Vanke Group!
其次,我要感谢意大利大使馆白达宁大使和他的同事们感谢你们沙湖原种场顶管对万科参展世博的理解和支持!此次能允许我们使用意大利大使管文化交流中心作为发布会场地,万科倍感荣幸First of all, I want to thank all of the leaders of沙湖原种场顶管 the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) for your care and support to Van沙湖原种场顶管ke Pavilion. On November 28, 2012, Vanke formally submitted the application to CCPIT for the partici沙湖原种场顶管pation in the exhibition and obtained the formal reply on January 13, 2013. In the process of going 沙湖原种场顶管abroad, Vanke Pavilion got strong support and prompt information sharing from CCPIT in the fields of沙湖原种场顶管 design, exhibition, project and taxation. Secondly, I want to extend my gratitude to Ambassador Alb沙湖原种场顶管erto Bradanini and his colleagues from Embassy of Italy for their understanding and support of Vanke沙湖原种场顶管’s participation in EXPO. It is great honor for Vanke to use the Cultural Exchange Center of Italian沙湖原种场顶管 Embassy for our press conference.
本次世博的主题是“滋养地球,生命的能源“,强调提高食品质量,并推广绿色可持续的生活方沙湖原种场顶管式及社会发展模式,这与万科一贯坚持的绿色建筑和可持续发展理念不谋而合In 2010, Vanke participated in Shanghai Expo with an independent s沙湖原种场顶管elf-built pavilion for the first time with the theme of “Possibility of Respect”. We built Vanke Pav沙湖原种场顶管ilion with the wheat straw board as the main building material and showed our respect to the nature 沙湖原种场顶管with the natural materials, natural lighting and natural ventilation and cooling. EXPO Milan 2015 is沙湖原种场顶管 the 44th expo in history. Vanke participated in the expo again as the first Chinese enterprise part沙湖原种场顶管icipating in the overseas expo with an independent self-built pavilion in the 163rd years’ history o沙湖原种场顶管f expo. The theme of the expo is “Feeding the earth, energy for life”, emphasizing the enhancement o沙湖原种场顶管f food quality and promoting the sustainable life style and social development mode, which coincides沙湖原种场顶管 with the green architecture and sustainable development concept consistently adhered to by Vanke.
万科沙湖原种场顶管馆主题是“Building community through food——中国人的食堂“进入二十一世纪, 中国正经历人类历史上最快速的城市化进程和剧烈的社会变动,乡村转变为城市,旧区被改造为新城高速沙湖原种场顶管发展造就了中国经济的奇迹,也从某种程度上改变了人们曾经的生活方式。
快速的生活节奏、巨大的工作压力、独门独户的现代楼宇住宅,让人与人之间沟通交流越来越少,同住一个小区一栋楼很多年依旧互不相识的情况比比皆沙湖原种场顶管是The theme of Vanke Pavilion is “Building community through food-Chinese Dining Hall”. China is unde沙湖原种场顶管rgoing the rapidest urbanization process and most violent social changes in human history in the 21s沙湖原种场顶管t century, during which, the villages are changed into cities and old communities are transformed in沙湖原种场顶管to new towns, so, development at high-speed has not only created the miracle of China’s economy, but沙湖原种场顶管 also changed the people’s former life style to certain extent. Rapid pace of life, great work press沙湖原种场顶管ure and separate modern buildings hinder the communication among people. It is common for the neighb沙湖原种场顶管ors living in the same block of the same residential area for many years to be strangers.
此次万科馆选择“食堂“主题,是希望从普通社区居民的视角呈现一个真实、完沙湖原种场顶管整的中国城市生活, 以及万科作为城市配套发展商,对人与人、人与社区、人与城市的和谐关系进行的思考和实践Dining Hall (Shitang) is an existence with a prof沙湖原种场顶管ound history and special social significance in China. Either the dining hall in the factory of elde沙湖原种场顶管r generations and the students’ dining hall in universities or the modern dining hall in enterprises沙湖原种场顶管, which are symbols of warmth and love in our memories. For many years, Vanke focuses on the communi沙湖原种场顶管ty building and expects to find such a way during rapid construction, immigration and urban formatio沙湖原种场顶管n as able to facilitate the communication among people and build the community into a place filled w沙湖原种场顶管ith happiness for residents rather than a physical architecture. The dining hall in the community em沙湖原种场顶管erges at the right moment. The Vanke Pavilion chooses the theme of “dining hall” hoping to display a沙湖原种场顶管 true and complete Chinese urban life from the perspective of common community residents and the tho沙湖原种场顶管ughts and practice of Vanke as the urban supporting facility developer on the harmonious relationshi沙湖原种场顶管ps among people, between human and community and between human and city.
参加2015意大利米兰世博会就是万科国际沙湖原种场顶管化策略的重要组成部分, 将有助于提高万科国际形象和品牌价值This year is the 30th anniversary of the founding of Vanke Group. We ar沙湖原种场顶管e reviewing the past and thinking over the development direction in the future ten years, including 沙湖原种场顶管the internationalization of Vanke. So far, Vanke has invested in the real estate in New York, San Fr沙湖原种场顶管ancisco, Singapore and Hong Kong, etc, and cooperated with world’s famous enterprises to learn from 沙湖原种场顶管their mature experience and standards. The participation in EXPO Milan 2015 is an important componen沙湖原种场顶管t of the internationalization strategy of Vanke, which will help us to enhance international image a沙湖原种场顶管nd brand value of Vanke.
需要重点指出的是,万科馆不仅仅是万科一家的展示平台30年的发展历程中,众多合作伙伴与万科风雨同舟,一路同行,感谢你们!我们也期待万科馆能成为大家共同的国沙湖原种场顶管际商务交流和企业宣传平台It is important note that Vanke Pavilion is not only the display platform. We extend our沙湖原种场顶管 gratitude to those partners who have cooperated with Vanke in the 30 years’ development progress! W沙湖原种场顶管e also expect that Vanke Pavilion will become a common platform for the international business excha沙湖原种场顶管nge and enterprise publicity.。
最后,我诚挚地向在座每一位朋友发出邀请,米兰世博会开幕后,希望各位都能莅临万科馆,一同体验世博的魅力!谢谢!And finally, I s沙湖原种场顶管incerely invite all friends attending EXPO Milan 2015 Vanke Pavilion to experience the charisma of E沙湖原种场顶管XPO. Thank you!